Some of the programs provided free-of-charge to our community:

Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry offers assistance to those in need who reside in the 34677, 34695, 33635, and 34684 zip codes.
Individuals and families may visit the pantry one time per month. We offer non-perishable items, as well as meats, bakery items, and fresh produce. Quantity is determined based on household size. Homeless individuals are able to visit the pantry every day we are open and are able to receive enough food for one to two days.

Clothing Closet
Our Clothing Closet is open to residents in the 34677, 34695, 33635, and 34684 zip codes.
Individuals and families may visit the Clothing Closet two times per month.
The items available will change, often daily. As everything offered will depend on incoming donations and current demand.

Financial Assistance
Open to Oldsmar residents only
Stopgap rent and utility assistance. Oldsmar residents can receive financial assistance for their rent, electric, or water bill. Assistance is limited to $200 per calendar year, per household.
For utility assistance bring a copy of your bill and ID to Oldsmar Cares.
Rental assistance instructions

Weekend Food 4 Kids
Delivered on Fridays to Oldsmar and Forest Lakes Elementary students
Helps fill the hunger gap for children whose families struggle to feed them nutritious meals over the weekend

Holiday Food Programs
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter – open to Oldsmar residents only
Boxed meals include everything needed to prepare a traditional holiday meal including meat for a main course as well as the side dishes and other fixings.

Children’s Christmas
Christmas toys for children
Oldsmar Cares provides Christmas presents for children in need in our community.

Children’s Dental Care
For uninsured Oldsmar children up to the age of 16.
Oldsmar Cares is proud to offer Children’s Dental Care through our partnership with local dentists. This service provides the dental needs of children including; examination, radiographs, cleaning, fillings and sealants.

Patchwork Grants
Open to Oldsmar residents only
Emergency financial assistance for Oldsmar residents provided on a case-by-case basis.
Patchwork Grant application

Educational Grant
Open to Oldsmar residents only
Grants are awarded twice a year. Deadline for applications are May 31st and October 31st.
Educational Grant application
Eligibility Requirements: Photo identification is required during each visit to receive services. Individuals visiting for the first time must register in-person using a photo ID, and must present proof of residency and household members.